Small Business Grant Announcement
Minority Business Trade Show has over 50 exhibitors
The Rowan Chamber of Commerce is pleased to partner with the City of Salisbury on a new small business assistance grant that will be announced at the Minority Business Trade Show on Thurs., April 25, 4 p.m. at Livingstone College Hospitality Center (530 Jake Alexander Blvd. Salisbury, NC).
“We are very excited about this new small business grant that the City of Salisbury recently approved.” said Chamber President Elaine Spalding. She continued, “It’s a $30,000 pilot program for existing businesses within the city limits of Salisbury. The grant application will go live on the Chamber’s website at the trade show.”
Small businesses will have until Fri., May 31, 2024, to submit their grant applications. The Chamber has a volunteer task force ready to select the grant recipients and encourages Salisbury businesses with less than 10 employees to apply.
The schedule for the day:
- 12 noon Sponsor/Exhibitor Set up
- 4 p.m. Exhibit Hall Doors Open
* Chamber Ribbon Cutting
* City of Salisbury Small Business Grant - Announcement
* Mix and Mingle with appetizers, drinks, music, and door prizes - 7 p.m. Close
The Minority Business Trade Show will be the Chamber’s largest networking event. It is a business-to-business expo with valuable business connections made among the participants. Several of the booths will offer valuable door prizes in addition of a grand prize at the end of the evening. Food and refreshments will be available.
The Trade Show is FREE to attend. For more information, please contact the Chamber at (704) 633-4221 or info@rowanchamber.com or on the Chamber’s website.