Dragon Boat Festival: 2 Boats, 1 Team
We are actively recruiting sponsors for each boat. Please contact Dillon Brewer, Development Chair, if you or your business are interested in sponsoring.

Saturday, July 27, 2024
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
This will the 2nd year that the Rowan Young Professionals have had two boats competing in the festival. Registration will open to young professionals (ages 21-45) in early May 2024.
Paddlers will be required to attend the mandatory practice session the week of the festival, be onsite at the festival on July 27 from 8 a.m.-3 p.m., and pay a small fee for your team shirt. More info coming soon!
Boat Captains
Row Pros Boat: Nicky Black and Elise Tellez
Average Pros Boat: Dillon Brewer and Kyler Eagle
The most fun day of summer! Make new friends and enjoy the best tailgate at the festival.
Join the official Rowan Young Professional Facebook Group and learn about events, opportunities to connect, volunteer opportunities, career advice, seek recommendations for local services, and more! When you join, please introduce yourself to the group!